Jonty Lefroy Watt


Jonty Lefroy Watt is a composer studying for a master’s at the Royal Academy of Music in London. He currently studies with Edmund Finnis, having previously studied with Robert Saxton and Martyn Harry.

Jonty’s recent works have a focus on in-betweens, juxtapositions, and boundaries. He is fascinated when different worlds come into collision and relishes these impacts and the creative possibilities they afford. As such, his stylistic influences are wide- ranging. A piece might be influenced by everything from post-punk to the troubadours; Jonty loves the challenge of building bridges between these diverse references, which lends his music something of an eclecticist aesthetic.

Jonty has worked with a variety of ensembles including Septura Brass (Stage; left (2023)), Riot Ensemble (Now I enfold you (2023)), Asaka Quartet (Curvilinear (2023)), and Trio Atem (self portrait with rain (2021)). He also has ongoing collaborations with soloists Clara May Teahan and Declan Hickey. In 2021, Jonty was the winner of the Henfrey Prize for Composition, following a final that took place at St Catherine’s College, Oxford. In the same year, Jonty was also awarded the Oxford University Music Society Composition Award for his piece Apogee (2021) for orchestra.

Jonty Lefroy Watt
Mihaly Gyorfi

Mihály Győrfi


A Hungarian-born pianist, Mihály Győrfi has recorded with the Hungarian National Radio twice and performed at venues ranging from St. James’ Church Piccadilly all the way to the Fazioli Hall in Sacile, Italy.

Mihály is also founder of the Holloway Music Series, a new project dedicated to bringing classical music to the north-east London area. He is currently doing his Master’s studies at the Royal Academy of Music, where he will also be performing in a concert dedicated to transcribed piano music as part of the 2023 RAM Summer Piano Festival.

With prior experience in music technology, Mihály is keen to learn more about the recording process. Lately, he has started shadowing the Academy’s recording department through larger projects in pursuit of this interest. He also tunes his own piano.

Raised fully bilingual, Mihály spends his time learning additional languages. He is conversational in German and has recently taken up French.